Areas of Practice

Tenant Advocacy

At Stanley Law, we believe that safe, sanitary and stable housing is a fundamental human right. We are experienced in all areas of tenant advocacy, including eviction prevention, habitability litigation, and consumer protections for tenants. Whether you are suffering from a dispute with a landlord, housing code violations, negligence or discrimination, we will fight to enforce the laws that are meant to protect the place that is most important to you — your home.

Consumer Protection

At Stanley Law, we will fight to protect you against unfair, unsafe and discriminatory practices. We understand that you have a right to be heard; a right to be informed; a right to choose; a right to be safe. We will hold accountable those who violate these fundamental rights. We will fight to restore balance, fairness and justice to the marketplace and to our communities.

Multi-Faceted Litigation

At Stanley Law, we are not afraid to enforce tenant and consumer rights through any phase of litigation. From housing court matters to large-scale litigation, class actions, and multi-Plaintiff lawsuits, we are committed to achieving societal change through the court system. Often injustices and injuries suffered by one bad actor can cause suffering and injury to many. We will fight to achieve victory for all those injured. At Stanley Law, serving our clients means tenacious litigation that creates a deep and meaningful impact on our communities.